Monday, July 14, 2014


Attention: Reader,

One of my favorite quotes is from one of my favorite people: Shakespeare. Whether or not the writer actually existed is up to my high school research paper, but regardless, the quote goes, "One may smile and smile and be a villain."

I feel my smile, complete with my two dimples on the corners of my chin, and constantly ask myself if there is a villain underneath. Yes, I usually do have ulterior motives, but I usually make those pretty known. Yes, I do firmly believe that there should be a plague, because it would for research, right? In no means do I wish to get rid of some of the annoying people on the planet. No way.

Sorry, I coughed on a bit of sarcasm there.

However, I believe that there is good and bad in everyone, and even the concept of what is "good" and what is "bad" has been socially constructed throughout history. But exactly how much "bad" makes someone a villain?

My Little One

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