Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Strange Satisfaction

Dearest Reader,

I believe that those who need the most help are the ones who never mention it. And to me, there's something remarkably comforting about venting to the internet rather than talking to people I know. Because I am growing up in this modern era, which will one day seem like the dark ages to our descendants, I know one must be careful about the information revealed on the web.

There is a strange satisfaction that I'm getting from being the mysterious "My Little One." I am determined to make this blog so cryptic, that my friends, my family, even my roommate won't know I'm the man (or woman?!) behind the curtain. Okay, that was obvious. I'm clearly a female, so that eliminates about 50% of the population. And I've already mentioned I go to college. Welp.

A lot of times when people recognize they need help, they might not know exactly the help they need. There's so many gray areas in terms of help that all the options can seem overwhelming and it's hard to know where to start. This is the point where I'm at in life. What to do? Where to begin?

I know a genie isn't going to jump out of my blog, by I one hundred percent believe that I need to write this for a reason. Maybe you can help.

My Little One

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